How to shop for groceries so as not to overpay , but above all not to give up the standard of living to which we are accustomed?
More and more people are asking me this question lately. No wonder. The ASM Sales Force report from March 2023 clearly shows that the growth in food prices is not slowing down. Literally everything is more expensive , not only comparing year to year, but even month to month.
Some time ago I answered them in an interview for TVN, which you can see here - click . The topic is worth developing, however, which is why this article was written.
At this point, even if our earnings are high, our wallet will feel the difference.
Using simple math, based on the data from the aforementioned report – if you spent PLN 1,500 on groceries in January, then in February, you paid PLN 1,560 for the exact same products. It doesn't seem like much, but let's do the math.
If the growth rate remains at 4% per month, get ready to spend PLN 2,300 in December!
That's 800 PLN more for exactly the same products! That's why it's great that you're reading this article right now, because as they say - fortune favors the prepared.
The phrase " saving on groceries " immediately evokes unpleasant associations for many people with the times of the Polish People's Republic and a miraculous diet consisting mainly of bread with lard. What is now sold as a "delicacy" to those who at that time looked at every złoty five times, rather do not want to go back to those times when inflation climbed Mount Everest.
I sincerely hope that this will not happen, but as they say – if you can count, count on yourself. I have been implementing and testing my frugal grocery shopping system for years.
Today, my dear, I'm going to equip you with a few of my proven tricks for shopping for groceries wisely and economically.
In my opinion, thrifty shopping is absolutely not synonymous with putting the cheapest products in your basket . Such actions may work in the short term, but in the long term, dietary supplements and visits to the doctor come out to be much more expensive.
I am sure that when you reach the end of this article you will understand that there is another way. So how to shop for less but still be healthy?
Now, let's be honest, my dear! How many times have you returned from shopping loaded like a camel in the Sahara, with a few hundred dollars missing from your wallet, and after unpacking the bags, you had nothing left to make dinner with?
Or have you already bought your third packet of flour because you could have sworn it was almost finished, but the day after you went shopping you ran out of sugar?
Or maybe, while walking between the shelves with products from the Greek week, you made an ideal meal plan in your head – creative, zero monotony, healthy, because after all, this Mediterranean cuisine promotes longevity…
That was a year ago. None of those wonderful dishes materialized into an actual meal, and today you found expired pita and octopus in a spicy sauce in the depths of your cupboard.
I absolutely do not judge, my dear! I know this from personal experience!
When I started my journey to a frugal lifestyle 6 years ago, this is exactly what my starting point looked like. I was spending over PLN 2,000 on food per person! Now, with current prices, I'm within PLN 1,500-1,600* for the three of us. ( * at the time of updating the entry, don't stick too hard to this amount, because it's not about spending as much as I do, but as much as is most optimal for you and your family)
I know you're trying, looking for deals and ideas to somehow control your shopping. That's probably why you're reading this article.
Let's be honest, my dear - if you really want to spend less while buying the same quality, it's time to roll up your sleeves and create a real strategy. A good plan is 50% of success. So take a piece of paper, a pen and start writing, because you'll have some work to do.
If you want to save money on groceries, your cupboards, fridge and freezer need to be well-stocked fortresses. These are the foundations of your frugal system. But that doesn't mean they should be crammed to the brim with random products that you can't possibly put together a sensible meal from.
Now go to your supply cabinet and without delving into its depths, think of one dish that you can prepare right away, from what you see. A full dish, without running to the store . When the going gets tough, you can of course
use the fridge and freezer, but without buying anything extra.
Was it easy? Or was it a daunting task?
Well-organized supplies not only allow you to see at a glance what you have, but they are also built in a way that makes it easy to create simple dishes from them .
Only with such a base can you implement the basic principle of economical grocery shopping:
I recently read a study that says willpower is a depletable resource . To prove it, they tested receptionists. In the first version, they put a tray of doughnuts out of their sight. In the second version, they put it on the counter where they were working. Guess which doughnuts disappeared faster?
Walking into a store, especially a self-service one, is the same version with donuts on the counter. The likelihood of resisting the temptation to add something not on your shopping list is zero.
This game is not fair, because stores employ crowds of marketers and visual merchandising specialists just to offer as many temptations as possible.
I have 13 years of trading experience and I know these tricks like the back of my hand, but I still fall for them . The only way that really works is to avoid temptation.
Yes, I know, “ I planned it but it doesn’t work for me ”, or “ what if I want something else ”, or “ it won’t work for us because everyone eats something different ”. I know these excuses by heart because I’ve been teaching women how to shop economically for years.
What you need to do at this moment is to think of yourself from the future who is grateful that you took action on this topic today and trust me that it will work for you too.
It's best to start small - create a list of your favorite dishes. I call it the " we like to eat" list. It will be easiest to do this by simply writing down what you ate in the last 2 weeks. This is the first version. As you polish your meal planning skills, you will improve it, but for now, accept the rule - done is better than perfect.
We touched on this a few paragraphs ago. If you do something without a plan, whether it’s grocery shopping or a weekend trip out of town, the result will always be a lot of stress and unnecessary costs.
I am a firm believer in the rule of 1 hour of planning is 4 hours less work. Once you get the hang of it, 15 minutes a week will be enough to get the hang of it.
It sounds trivial, and in my career I've seen very few well-made shopping lists from frugal start-ups. And it's not a matter of any magic app, but of your magic skills, which you'll definitely gain when you stay with me a little longer.
So what should the perfect shopping list include?
First of all, all the products you need and know you will use. A trick that helps me create a list that not only saves money but also nerves is to mark the promotion on it at home. This way I know which flavor is and which is not covered by the discount, when the offer is until, etc.
Thanks to this, I avoid struggling at the checkout with incorrectly loaded offers or my mistakes. When you shop once a week – which is our goal – these are large purchases, so the more efficiently and stress-free they are – the better.
You can get my helpful shopping planning lists for free here – click . There you will find a set of all the lists that I have been using for years in my frugal shopping system. I believe in the principle – what is planned, is done. Things that happen only in our head, most often do not happen at all.
She said what she knew hihi – I know, what does it mean to do your shopping economically? In short – saving yourself time, money and nerves. To make this happen, choose a day when you can focus on this important task.
Taking care of this part of the budget is crucial, my dear. According to the Central Statistical Office , the food budget constitutes on average about 27% of all expenses. These are really significant amounts. That is why it is really great that you are looking for ways to organize this category.
Well, if we are taking actions that affect almost 1/3 of your monthly workload, then planning and a strategic approach are definitely crucial.
Phew, you did it! You did all the steps. You dragged yourself home with those purchases, proud and pale – because the bill at the checkout was indeed lower, and you have a full bag. I know it's a wonderful feeling! For me, at this point, after so many years of perfecting a frugal shopping system – it's not even a matter of saving, but a kind of "strategic game for adults".
It gives me so much satisfaction that I am not only better able to cope with price increases, but also have a greater sense of security and confidence.
Okay, but it's not enough to buy, you also have to make sure that nothing goes to waste. The topic of storing supplies is a separate topic. If I've intrigued you and you want more, it's best to download the free helpful lists - DOWNLOAD . And then watch my video on YouTube on the topic of storing supplies.
Remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel Beata od Oszczędzania Mojenawierzchu so you don't miss out on new shopping videos.
Don't forget to take advantage of the free resources I've prepared for you. I've been using them for years in my tried-and-true, cost-effective shopping system.
In the meantime, let’s take a quick look at the steps that are essential to reducing your food expenses and the key to frugal grocery shopping.
Reading is great, but we can only become better at new skills if we practice. No athlete made it to the Olympics by reading about how to be a champion, each of them had to put in a lot of effort, work, stumbles and spectacular falls. But practice makes perfect and before you know it you will regain control over your food expenses, and saving will be the coolest thing you have learned recently. I am rooting for you. To get a daily dose of motivation, be sure to follow me on Instagram @mojenawierzchu Beata od Oszczędzania.
Shopping is just the beginning of your adventure with thrifty shopping – be sure to check out how to store vegetables to maintain quality and flavor for longer and not waste them. Want to know my tried and tested methods?
Want to start acting 100%? Get started right away with those frugal grocery shopping? The best place to start is with the course I plan my shopping – I save money.
In the package you have not only 5 video lessons, in which I explain step by step in detail how the frugal system works and how I use my helpful list templates in it. You also have a bonus in the form of the Training Meal Planning Without Secrets - video plus eBook. In other words, the perfect start to the world of perfectly organized shopping without overpaying. Check the course now! - CLICK!